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Super Action Fight Productions Clip
Super Action Fight Productions Clip
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2019_045 LEXI versus BARBIE “Body Scissors Battle” (MP4)

11/30/19 11:06 AM5 min145 MBmp4720p
Price5.99 EUR


2019_045 LEXI versus BARBIE “Body Scissors Battle”


Description- This specialty bikini wrestling match features arguably Safprods’ two hottest stars, LEXI & BARBIE, as they square off in a “Body Scissors Battle” challenge! LEXI gets the advantage first, expertly wraps her petite yet powerful legs around BARBIE’s midsection, and squeezes with everything she had! The camera gets down on the mats, getting up closer and personal, and providing the viewer with some amazing angles of these two absolutely stunning fighters! The Mandarin didn’t tap out even though LEXI really went to work on her, and found her own chance to get the Eastern European Goddess between her thighs too! Even while dominating, BARBIE has the sexiest little grunts as she exerts energy looking for a tapout! (Time: 5:26)

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