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Grappling Gals
Grappling Gals
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GR 302 Lara vs Swifty Rematch (Competitive)

11/20/20 7:40 AM16 min1072 MBwmv1080p
Price16.99 EUR


SHE”S BACK!!  After a lengthy lay-off, fan favorite LARA is back!  Looking better and stronger than ever, she’s ready to kick ass and take names.  And the first name on her list is – Swifty.  He’s wanted revenge since Lara whipped up on him a couple of years ago and he’s super confident he’ll win this match.  Lara’s goal is to  totally demolish his dream of revenge and she has the tools to do it.  She has what we call the 4S’s.  Strength.  Skill. Stamina. Sexy.  Not to mention an unbroken string of victories over men. As they start to circle, Lara keeps her calm demeanor then strikes like an attacking cobra taking him down the a reverse head lock.  Then gets a quick submission with a guillotine.  Submission 1 to Lara.  They come together again, with Lara taking his back and another submission with body scissor RNC combination.  Swifty is in good shape and knows his way around the mats, but so is Lara and she is just a little quicker, a little faster and maybe a little stronger than her opponent.  Lara continues to dominate the match, controlling and overwhelming Swifty.  He does get in some offense, but Lara is able to power out of his holds, countering with a hold of her own and another submission.  Lara has awesome leg and upper body strength that Swifty is unable to effectively counter.  Lara overwhelms  him with arm bars, head scissors from her wonderfully thick thighs and more holds submitting him time and time again.  Switfy’s dream of revenge was destroyed by this wrestling Amazon.  Words cannot fully describe the intensity of this body to body, skin to skin competitive match between two skilled warriors.  You have to see it.  After a final submission, Lara stands over her beaten opponent and flexes her victory pose. 

Lara at her finest and most aggressive.  If you are a fan of Lara, this is a must have video.

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