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Made To Strip With Bondage (MP4 1080p) - Vika, Desiree Lopez & Jade Indica

12/31/22 9:59 AM28 min1286 MBmp41080p
Price12.49 EUR


Vika has been lifting jewelry from the department store where she works, and the management have finally found her out. They have sent one of their store detectives to her home, arriving just after she gets home from work in the hope of catching her red handed. Vika plays the innocent as the detective challenges her about her misconduct. He has heard it all before of course, and wants to search the house for the missing valuables. He decides that he also wants to check Vika herself to see if she is concealing any items about her person. To do this, he insists that she remove her clothes. Vika objects strenuously, but faced with the prospect of being arrested on the spot, she reluctantly complies. She resists for as long as possible but in the end, the detective makes her remove every last stitch of clothing. He immediately places her in handcuffs before checking her for stolen items, then puts her outside on the deck while he goes off to search her house.

Jade Indica:
Jade is being held prisoner by a man who doesn't want to see her wearing clothes, so with her restrained he begins cutting them off her, starting with her dress. He first shortens the dress into a mini and then cuts and rips it off completely. Along the way, Jade keeps objecting, so her captor decides to silence her with rather a lot of duct tape wrapped over her mouth and round the back of her neck. With the girl quietened down a little, he continues snipping away and tearing at her clothes, cutting off her bra, pantyhose and panties until Jade is wearing nothing but a pair of high heels and the remnants of her hose.

Desiree Lopez:
Desiree has been captured and zip tied to the bed frame. Her captor has a pair of scissors, and as Desiree looks on helplessly, he starts to cut off her dress, first turning the skirt into a vented garment, then cutting all the way up to the top until it falls apart, exposing her bra and panties. Not satisfied with this, he cuts off her underwear, first her bra and then her panties, leaving her restrained and naked. To make sure she doesn't start shouting for help and possibly attract the attention of one of his neighbours, the man gags his captive with duct tape, then leaves her naked and unable to cover herself.

28 minutes 44 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,348.0 MB

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