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Four In One: Volume 40 (WMV 1080p) - Star Nine, Vonka Romanov, Maci Wilde & Sarah Brooke

6/16/24 9:27 AM31 min2367 MBwmv1080p
Price15.49 EUR


1. Star Nine: Unable To Move
Star was just finishing off washing a few dishes in her kitchen when she is suddenly unable to move. A man appears and begins to undress her, but all she can to is move her eyes. Star longs to offer resistance, if only verbal, but she can neither move nor speak. She is helpless to stop him as the man lifts her dress over her head and removes it completely. He even straightens up her hair for her and she looks on helplessly. He next pulls down her pantyhose before circling round behind her. Now Star can feel him fumbling with the clasp of her bra. He really is going to strip her! Moments later, the bra is gone and her breasts are exposed. Then she feels his fingers at the top of her panties, and wants to scream as he starts to pull them down.

2. Vonka Romanov: Incriminating Evidence
Vonka is just arriving home when her phone rings. When she answers the call, she discovers that someone has recorded video of her committing a burglary the week before. She accuses the caller of bluffing, dismissing the claim as if there were no truth to it. When he sends her a brief sample of the video, Vonka realizes that he really does have evidence of her criminal activities. She asks him what he wants, expecting him to ask for a cut of her profits. To her surprise, he just wants her to take off her clothes. Vonka realizes that he must be watching her somehow and hesitates to do such a thing. However, the caller is insistent that he will send the video to the police if she does not comply. If she wants to stay out of prison, Vonka has no choice but to accede to the caller's wishes. She removes her jacket, skirt, top, pantyhose, panties, and finally her bra. She hopes this will be the end of her ordeal, but now the caller wants her to get out of the car and stand in front of her garage door, where all her neighbors can see her.

3. Maci Wilde: Renewing Her Lease
A girl is leasing business premises and her lease is about to expire. The property owner will not renew it unless she strips for him. Naturally, Maci thinks he is joking, but when he offers to knock $5,000 off the price of the lease, she realizes he is completely serious. She starts to undress and has to endure him getting behind her and unhooking her bra for her. Maci shudders but she has no choice other than to carry on if she wants to keep her business viable.

4. Sarah Brooke: Down On Her Luck
Sarah has been unemployed for a while and is getting herself into financial difficulties, so she turns to a relative whom she knows has plenty of money and asks for a loan. At first, he is reluctant to help her, pointing out that everyone promises to repay loans but far from every one does so. When he proposes that Sarah take off her clothes so that he may see her naked, she becomes indignant and storms out, but her desperate situation compels her to return. She finds it so difficult to start undressing, until her relative starts to help her. From that point on, she knows she has to go through with this. She is mortified when he starts taking photographs of her with hardly anything on, but if she wants that loan she has to tolerate whatever he wants to do. When she is totally naked, he comes close to her, making Sarah shiver. Just when she thinks he is going to renage on the deal, he asks her if he wants check or cash.

31 minutes 36 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - WMV: 2,481.9 MB

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