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Tantric Fitness
Tantric Fitness
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Bate Bonding

3/18/25 2:55 AM11 min263 MBmp41080p
Price18.99 EUR


Suck, fuck, cum. That is the porn scene formula for getting the
most clicks, likes and money. So this is what we see the most, 
masturbate to and then train our cocks to respond to. Then we
fantasize about this sexual formula when we play scenes in our
heads and perform the same sexual acts with our hookups or
partners. Of course these sex acts are super hot and I LOVE to
suck and fuck, buy I also LOVE mutual stroking as the main event
of a play date. I used to think that a hook up was kind of a failure
if I didn’t get to suck and fuck. Exclusively jacking off with a
partner never occurred to me, and literally would’ve been laughed
at by my peers had I done so when I was younger. Thankfully, not
only have I discovered the value of self-love and pleasure, but
also sharing that type of intimacy with another man.
Experiment with spending some of your masturbation time using
yourself as your object of appreciation. Watch yourself the mirror
touching, rubbing, and stroking your body and gazing at yourself
as you embody the pleasure your giving to yourself. Practice
looking into your own eyes... it can be awkward at first, but it
really helps you connect with yourself and makes it a lot easier to
look into the eyes of others. If you are intrigued about a mutual
masturbation session or “bate date” as I like to call them, try it out
when you get the opportunity. There’s something very powerful in
setting a hands only boundary that really inspires you creativity.
Since mutual masturbation is very safe sex, a relaxation and
security/safety feeling is always present as well as the lack of
pressure to perform or clean out for
penetration. @damianxxxdragon and I love all types of sex and a
session of Penis admiration and heavy stroking is high on our list.

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