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Devious Muscle
Devious Muscle

patriotic pecs - worlds fastest pec control

7/4/12 12:40 AM5 min103 MBwmv480p
Price6.99 EUR
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this is not one of my usual clips. This is me.. and my pecs in real life.. sharing with you a talent of mine. I have some of the fastest and most talented pecs ( yes talented.. they dance to the tempo ) on the scene today. here's what happened- earlier today, I was getting music ready to play for the 4th of July BBQ . I notice my pecs are subconsciously dancing along to "Stars and Stripes Forever. " while it plays on my ipod. My pecs not only keep up.. but don't stop for the whole song. One pecs dances.. while the other pulses to the tempo.. then they both jump.. and dance.. and vibrate to the beat. when the fast tempo flute solo comes on.. my pecs keep up with that with out hesitation. I had to record this for you guys.. it was way too cool ( and funny ) not to share. I challenge another pec dancer on the scene to keep up with what I just did.

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