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Sneeze Cough Yawn Spit Smoking
Sneeze Cough Yawn Spit Smoking
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Crash Snorts, Hocks, and Spits Loogies Across The Room, Then Steps on Them With Her Bare Feet! **** MPG ***

12/3/11 2:00 PM8 min175 MBmpg480p
Price8.49 EUR


Miss Crash must be coming down with some kind of cold that is going around, because she is absolutely full of mucus and phlegm. She snorts snot deep out of her sinuses, and makes lots of loud hocking sounds to get the phlegm up out of her throat, and she spits her loogies across the room! They make a loud splatting sound as they hit the hard floor. She spits some of them quite a distance! She snorts and hocks and spits until all her mucus and phlegm is cleared out, and then she walks over and steps on her big thick loogies with her bare feet, smooshing her foot into the phlegm and then lifting it up to let you see the thick strands of phlegm hanging off of the sole of her foot. So hot!!!

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