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Heroine Universe Nylon Fantasies
Heroine Universe Nylon Fantasies
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POISON IVY and CAT WOMAN: NETTED (4K MP4) - PI (Jacquelyn Velvets) & CW (Tilly McReese) lured to location and ambushed! MALEDOM

1/26/25 3:24 PM19 min7078 MBmp44k
Price16.99 EUR


Cat Woman (Tilly McReese) and Poison Ivy (Jacquelyn Velvets) star in this sexy custom damsel tale. We see both heroines in their respective locations (Cat Woman in a home, possibly looting it! and Ivy relaxing at home w/ her plants). Ivy gets a call, as does Cat Woman, who end up arranging a meeting with one another. As they arrive at the seemingly normal-looking residence, inside the living room, they meet up. Thinking each other set up the meet, they are confused, but their confusion doesn't last long as a NET TRAP is dropped on them! A special net, the heat of their bodies pulls the net in tighter, as they topple over. Moments later, we see them now netted together facing each other on the floor, their position as they struggled. 

Suddenly they hear the front door opening, and in walks Jackson, villain exporter extraordinaire! If it's not clear by now, it's made obvious that he set this up to lure in both heroines to capture! He looks them both over, pleased with himself. He now has Ivy outside the net, while Cat Woman remains bound in it struggling in the background. Jackson takes Ivy by the hair, manhandling her around to the couch where he pins her down, tearing away her green stockings and gloves, leaving her in her green jumper and pantyhose! Lots of hands on face between them. Knowing Ivy is infamous for her pheromones, he uses her nylon feet on Cat Woman while she's netted, rubbing them on her face, having the desired result! 

We now have Ivy wrapped in the net helplessly on the ground, with Jackson now looking over Cat Woman! Hands on face, as he looks her over. He removes her boots, exposing her black stocking feet. After he's had his fun, he OTS CARRIES Cat Woman away, then comes back for the netted Ivy, whom he does the same (brief carries). Later, Cat Woman and Ivy are seen in their next destination, his warehouse, caged! They protest, as he makes some calls, as we fade on them caged, awaiting a fate unknown. EXTENDED TRAILER ON X, LIMIT IS 30 SECS.

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