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Miss Whitney Morgans Fetish Clips
Miss Whitney Morgans Fetish Clips
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Bad Model Freeze Frame with GiGi Lyn & Roxie Rae

7/3/22 4:50 PM11 min602 MBmp4720p
Price10.49 EUR


We all hear about bad models misbehaving on set, screwing up shoot dates, and definitely overstaying their welcome.. this one has gone a little too far. Gigi Lyn & Roxie Rae have had enough. She (Miss Whitney Morgan) is still in bed! They’re ready to shoot! Little does she know she’s about to be stripped down in a series of embarrassing frozen positions as they take turns using a freeze ray on her! Embarrassed, humiliated through each phase in and out of being frozen and repositioned. They laugh and giggle, take turns recording their attempts at correcting her bad model behavior to post on the internet to warn others not to hire her, while the other freezes, strips, positions Whitney. GiGi ties Whitney up, leaving her bound to struggle when she's released from their magical grasp!

Includes: magic, freeze fetish, freeze ray, embarrassment, humiliation, enf, embarrassed naked female, embarrassed nude female, stripped, fetish model, bondage, bad model, blonde.

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