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Miss Whitney Morgans Fetish Clips
Miss Whitney Morgans Fetish Clips
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You Are Nothing But Food To Miss Whitney Morgan - wmv

12/19/24 9:45 AM8 min235 MBwmv1080p
Price8.49 EUR


As Miss Whitney Morgan sits back & enjoys a bowl of oatmeal, with raisins in it, you gaze upon her (transitioning back/forth from POV far away + extreme closeup of mouth & 3rd person with tinyman). She sips her soda water, lets out loud burps. You're fixated on her mouth, can't look away. She loudly eats with an open mouth, slurping, lapping up chunks of oatmeal. She explains to you, that "you are just like this oatmeal.. this tiny little raisin could be you right now.. going into my mouth to be devoured." Licking her spoon with excitement. Soon she fixates on YOU. Getting closer, putting her spoon up to you to scoop you up. Afterall, you ARE nothing but food to Miss Whitney Morgan - would be a shame if she DIDN'T eat you.. *gulp* down you go.

Includes: pov, tiny man, tinyman, giantess, mouth fetish, tongue fetish, eating, messy eating, loud eating, burping, teeth, throat fetish, spit, drool, uvula, licking, swallowing, eating food, vore, voress, giantess vore.

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