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ATAK Productions
ATAK Productions
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Monster Huntress Society 1: Training Day (starring Sumiko)

11/18/13 7:39 PM10 min990 MBwmv1080p
Price9.49 EUR


The first day on the job can be daunting for anyone. But, for fledgling Monster Huntresses, it can be downright devastating! Take this novice initiate (portrayed by female wrestling sensation Sumiko) who's been assigned by AEON to assist in the routine task of wrangling a rampant infestation of pesky, primordial parasites (first encountered in "Monster Huntress 8"). These slithering menaces are easy enough to ferret out - but, capturing and disposing of them is an entirely different matter, as the rookie Huntress quickly discovers - to her own peril! Produced and directed by Todd A. Kaylor. [Primary: Video]

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