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Naughty Nun Has Needs (wmv)

8/27/17 3:35 AM12 min377 MBwmv720p
Price12.49 EUR


I'm a dutiful, pious holy step-sister who is just finishing up filming a segment for a TV news station about the opening of the convent's new garden. After the news crew leaves, I'm finally alone, and all I can do is think selfish thoughts about how I long for larger breasts. It goes against the laws of God, it goes against my vows, and although it is certainly Satan making me think such unholy thoughts, I want this more than anything, I want to feel like a real woman. These voluminous robes that I've worn for so many years cover every curve of my body, and I don't mind that. I would, however, like to know that I have a woman's beautiful body beneath, even if I'm the only human who ever sees it. 

I've spent my life giving to the Lord, the Virgin, and our community. Why can't I have this one thing that I deeply desire? I pray and pray, expecting to find guidance and peace, but after finding none, I go to confession. I tell the holy Step-Father about my dream for larger breasts, and confess that I've purchased a device on the internet that claims to inflate the breasts. Don't we all give in to the sins of the flesh, even in our minds, sometimes? Little do I know that the Step-Father is not as 'holy' as one would believe. 

When I pull out the device to show it to him, he tells me to demonstrate how it's used. Assuming that he is trying to make me regret my bad decision, I insert the tube into my mouth and start pumping myself full of air. It's so embarrassing! I try to stop, and he makes me keep going. I guess this is part of my penance. 

I start to feel strange, and am shocked when I look down and notice my skin stretching, my body growing! I pray, exhalting the glorious Virgin. The Step-Father snickers, clearly laughing at me. I enjoy touching the huge new breasts for a moment, but then my joy turns to when I realize that I'll never be able to explain the way I've changed. Maybe a bigger robe will cover them? No, nothing is going to cover these up. What have I done? 

I ask the Step-Father what to do, and he tells me that tonight he'll have the answer for me. I sure hope so, I'll do ANYTHING to prevent the Step-Mother Superior from finding out!

I also suggest:

Bigger Boobs are Better!

Evil Sex Spirits Take Nuns into Darkness

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