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Syren Productions Full Movies Store
Syren Productions Full Movies Store
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1000 Lashes Of The Bullwhip (MP4 HD)

12/20/24 6:10 AM37 min827 MBmp4720p
Price23.49 EUR


  Bart comes home to find his girlfriend Gemini cracking her bullwhip. Bart tries to tell her that he is heading out to the gym, but Gemini has other plans. It seems Bart has been lazy around the house and not doing his chores, so Gemini decides to whip some sense into him. She makes him strip and stand against the fire place. Gemini begins his punishment by whipping his ass and legs with a thin willow switch.

Gemini makes Bart turn around so that she can whip his cock and balls. After using a short quirt to further stripe his ass and back, Gemini decides  that Bart is now sufficiently warmed up for her bullwhips. What follows is a long drawn out sadistic bullwhipping, well over 1000 lashes to  Bart's back and ass. Gemini shows no mercy in thoroughly whipping her boy friend. Just for good measure, she turns him around again and gives his cock another hard thrashing. 

Without a Doubt this is one of her best Whipping videos ever produced

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