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The Alison Miller
The Alison Miller
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Home From A Long Day In Heels. Heel Dangling And Toe Wiggling, No Nail Polish

9/23/15 12:00 PM7 min137 MBmp41080p
Price8.49 EUR


Oh boy, what a long day. You guys don't even know what we go through as Women, wearing heels all day. Unless you cross dress regularly, then you may have an inkling. I come home, sit down, and cross My legs. I wiggle My toes until the heel dangles dangerously from My big toe, before falling to the ground. I then wiggle and stretch, My no nail polish toes (close up view yeah!). Then I uncross and recross and do the show again on the other side. Ending with the camera right on My toes while I wiggle them!

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