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The Alison Miller
The Alison Miller
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Boyfriend Gets Me New Jeans, But He Talks Too Much, So I Pee In Them

11/21/20 12:00 PM7 min143 MBmp41080p
Price8.49 EUR

As me and my boyfriend get ready to go out, it's obvious he wants praise for the new jeans that he got for me. I oblige and compliment him and tell him how grateful I am. However, he keeps pressing me and telling me how great the jeans are. Yes yes, I know... I start to get a little agitated because I need to pee and now is not the time to get a lecture from him on what jeans I'm wearing. I grab at my crotch and do the "dance" and eventually I can't take it anymore! I release a stream of urine all down the front of my jeans! And once I start, I cannot stop. I completely empty my bladder with a sigh of relief! Well ... luckily ... we still have time before we leave, so I might as well go wash myself AND the jeans... To Be Continued...

Today I'm releasing the jeans wetting clip ONLY, tomorrow I will release the clip of me taking a fully clothed shower and washing the pee out ONLY. And the following day I will release both clips together (as one) at a discounted price! Take your pick!

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