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The Alison Miller
The Alison Miller
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Washing Myself, Fully Clothed, After Previously Wetting My Jeans

11/22/20 12:00 PM8 min167 MBmp41080p
Price9.49 EUR
CategoryWet Look

Hurrying to the shower, I can feel the pee from my soaked jeans starting to cool down and all I want is to freshen up with some nice hot water! Might as well take care of 2 things at once! I'll clean myself AND my new pair of jeans! So I hope in the shower and turn it one, completely soaking myself. I soap up my loofah and get to work, washing EVERYTHING. My jeans, my top and ME! i make sure to do a thorough job and then give myself a good rinse! I'm am completely soaking wet now! That worked out great, now didn't it?

Today I'm releasing the washing myself fully clothed clip ONLY, yesterday I released a clip of me wetting the jeans ONLY. And tomorrow I will release both clips together (as one) at a discounted price! Take your pick!

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