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The Alison Miller
The Alison Miller
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Invisible Evil Person Chokes Me And Leaves Me On The Floor

2/24/21 8:00 PM6 min265 MBmp41080p
Price7.99 EUR
CategoryFace Fetish


Coming into the kitchen and wearing only some jeans and a bikini top, I begin to search my cupboards for something to eat. I have company coming over and I need to figure out dinner plans. Little do I know, but there is an invisible stranger in my home that's just watching me. I go about my business for a few minutes before I feel what feels like a cord around my neck, choking me. I gasp for air and pull at my neck. I struggle and try to get whatever is choking me to let go. They do not give up and choke me until I and lay on the floor motionless and not breathing. They just leave me there, not even checking if I'm alive or not!

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