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The Alison Miller
The Alison Miller

Washing Hair Forward Over The Tub

5/23/21 12:00 PM7 min417 MBmp41080p
Price8.49 EUR
CategoryHair Washing

Whew this hair is dirty, believe it! You can't tell because I put some pretty spectacular products that keep it looking amazing. But really, under all that product, it's kinda gross. I strip down and bend over the tub. I turn on the water and put my head under the spout to soak it. Time to give it a thorough scrubbing! I apply shampoo and wash my forward hanging hair, while scrubbing and scratching my scalp, trying to get it perfectly clean! I rinse and repeat! If you watch my hair washing clips, you know that I enjoy 2 shampoos! Everything is done with my hair hanging forward. So much better!

((Today I am releasing this video of me only shampooing my hair. Tomorrow, I will release a video of me shampooing AND conditioning my hair. Take your pick!))

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