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The Alison Miller
The Alison Miller
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Got Some Amazing Breath Holds While Inflating A Swan - PART 1

8/10/21 8:00 PM11 min462 MBmp41080p
Price11.99 EUR
CategoryBelly Fetish

It's that time again! I always have the need to hold my breath when I am mouth inflating an inflatable. Today, it's a big beautiful golden swan! I tend to get super high on all the breathing and today was exceptional in that area. Some pretty impressive breath holds, by my standards, if I do say so myself. Oh yeah, I'm also wearing a cute gold thong bikini to match the golden swan!

This video has no timer in case that is something you are not interested in. I'm also releasing this same video, at the same time, that includes a timer, in case you DO want it. 

((This is a 2 part video. Today I am releasing part 1 with me in a bikini. Tomorrow I am releasing part 2 with all the breath holds being topless. And the following day I will be releasing the WHOLE VIDEO at a discounted price for your patience. Take your pick!!))

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