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The Alison Miller
The Alison Miller
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What Is Up With All These Tiny Beach Balls That I Blow Up

8/24/21 8:00 PM10 min414 MBmp41080p
Price10.49 EUR
CategoryBeach Balls

I'm very excited about these beach balls! My excitement starts to wane as I begin to blow them up. They won't stay closed and deflate themselves! The way I fix this is to use a fun bright orange tape to keep them closed. The second part that I'm not so excited about is that they are so TINY! I end up blowing up quite a few in hopes I'll start to like them. They are cute! However, they are also a let down. And I spent so much time mouth blowing them too! I mention at the end that I think I should heel destroy them. I guess you need to watch the next video to see how that plays out. 

(((This video is apart of a 2 part series. Today I'll be releasing this video with my only inflating the beach balls. Tomorrow I'll release a video of me heel destroying the little beach balls. And the following day I will release both videos together at a discounted price for your patience. Take your pick!)))

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