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The Alison Miller
The Alison Miller
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Box A Game Girl If You Want To Date Me

9/14/21 8:05 PM7 min377 MBmp41080p
Price8.49 EUR

Popping out into the real world, I look around in confusion. You are sitting there looking awestruck and mouth gaping! I ask what is going on and that I need to get to my next fight like ASAP. You try to explain to me that you magically pulled me out of your favorite fighting video game. I laugh at the preposterous statement! You insist though saying I was your favorite character to play and I laugh again. You then have the NERVE to ask me out! Umm, I am a world champion and I need to get to my fight!! Put me back or whatever! 

Finally, I tell you that I'll box you and if you win, I will go on a date. But if you lose, you send me back! You are very hesitant, but at this point I have my wraps on and gloves. I tap them together and say you can stay bare-fisted if you like. We begin to fight and soon after I knock you out completely. You com back to and we go again. Soon, I knock you out once more! After you come back a second time, I ask if you wanna go one more round and strangely, you are up for it. But you really really suck at fighting and I knock your ass out one more time! Psh, send me back fool!

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