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Tanya Danielles Deviant Downloads
Tanya Danielles Deviant Downloads
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Flashpoint (mov)

9/2/15 5:47 PM34 min545 MBmov720p
Price38.49 EUR


Marches against homosexuality, rallies in support of Christian values, adherence to tenets of patriarchal religion fill Carrie Prejean's days. The reigning Miss California regards herself as the ultimate role model for young women in America. With unmitigated zeal she books speaking engagements and grants every possible interview. Today we join Carrie on the set of KelliAtHome, a weekly webcast attracting over 5000 viewers. Suffused with emotion Carrie practically levitates above her seat whilst decrying the twin perils of lesbianism and premarital sex. An assortment of floor and wall-mounted cameras zoom in for close-ups, simultaneously revealing that the prudish pagerant queen has forgotten to wear panties underneath her dress. Her host, Kelli, views footage of Carrie's pussy from every possible angle and quickly recognizes a brilliant opportunity for blackmail.. (Tanya Danielle stars as Carrie Prejean in "Flashpoint", a stunning voteuristic fantasy featuring interview, up-the-skirt shots, blackmail, masturbation, finger-fucking, anal masturbation, extreme close-ups, and induced orgasm. Co-produced by RB.)

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