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Eating Man Meet

3/13/13 7:56 PM10 min315 MBmp4720p
Price10.49 EUR


In your wildest dreams did you ever imagine that you would end up here? On my plate staring up at me in wide eyed wonder? On the giantess forum where you and I met you sounded so willing to join me for dinner, so why do you tremble so. When you saw pictures of me dining on other tinies you said, and I quote, "I'd give anything to trade places with them. " well here you are. You might as well enjoy it. Let yourself experience the thrill as I dangle a blade over you like the sword of Damacles. Free your mind so that you can allow the fear adrenaline to heighten the intensity as I toy with you sexually and make you touch yourself. Make no mistake about it, you're going to be eaten. You have no say in that. What you can choose is how you go. I can use m me blade to take you piece by piece limb by delicious limb, or I can take you all at once so you can better enjoy the ride. Do as I say and make me happy and I'll give you what you want. Nothing would please me more than to see you go bravely and with honor. After all, we are what we eat.

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