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Long Toes in Term Casts
Long Toes in Term Casts
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Benetta Term SLWC and Emma SLC Boat Trip!

2/8/18 3:13 AM18 min800 MBmp4720p
Price17.99 EUR
CategoryCast Fetish


(English) Term cast girls Benetta and Emma don't let their plastered feet get in the way of their vacation. They gimp down to the pier where they have rented a boat for a day trip. The captain/interpreter is intrigued by these two casted women, each with half and exposed foot hanging out. Emma removes her half shoe in the boat to get more comfortable and avoid it getting wet even if her toes inevitably will. Benetta is less concerned propping her casted foot right up on the side of the boat and letting the sea water spray lap at her exposed toes. They try getting comfortable laying on their stomachs and looking out and trying not to ignore the boat captain checking out their naked toes. Some nice closeups of the girls long toes in this one.


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