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Long Toes in Term Casts
Long Toes in Term Casts
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Benetta Term SLWC Dirt on My-- Oh Shi-- Crutching Through the Park on a Cold Day (in HD 1920X1080)

5/27/19 3:55 AM14 min1002 MBmp41080p
Price14.99 EUR


Benetta is crutching through the park on a cold day keeping her cast foot up to protect her long naked toes, but inevitably her foot rest on the floor -  and that's always an issue outside. Especially when she crutches the shortcut through the park, With all the critters in the park running around she never knows what she'll step on or in, especially without a shoe on! It's a constant issue for poor Benetta, trying to not look down at her cast foot as she crutches, but instead straight ahead and at eye level with everyone else. But when she steps on something with her exposed cast foot, it's always a potentially disgusting surprise. At least in the winter things freeze, just like her poor toes. When it happens today she immediately finds a bench to check it out and is relieved to find it's only dirt on the bottom of her cast opening to her exposed sole and toes and not something worse she'd have to live with for weeks. Still she tries to wipe it off as best she can, wiggling her long cold toes in the process and trying not to be too obvious knowing he cast will remain with this spot as long as she has her cats on. Frustrated she gets up and crutches out of the park. 

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