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Obey Lady Ashley
Obey Lady Ashley
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Relaxing Panty Enforcement

8/21/22 3:00 AM8 min478 MBmp41080p
Price15.49 EUR


Relax.  Your secret is safe.

The soothing shimmer and melancholy melody settle all stress in your body and mind.  It's easy to watch my shiny panties swaying back and forth.  It's pleasant to stare into my warm eyes looking deep into yours.  It's arousing to hear my soft voice encourage your panty fixation.

Panties are good.


Slowly swaying, fading, entrancing your whole being.  Panties make you happy.  Lights like stars pulse and the pacifying purple glow lulls you into tranquility.  The alluring shimmer of my panties have you frozen in time.


It's fun to enjoy panties.

My ghostly voice echoes in the background.  My lips speak affirmations that bounce gently between your ears.  It's easy to like panties.

Relax.  It's natural.


*Preview with sound available*

Entrancing panty video includes:
Synth ambience
Advanced vocal effects
Multiple camera angles
Slow motion video
Split screen
Shimmery panties


*Also available in 4K*


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