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Obey Lady Ashley
Obey Lady Ashley
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Brainstorm - Obey Lady Ashley - FemDom Mesmerize Mind Fuck Trance (4K)

6/28/24 10:00 PM5 min595 MBmp44k
Price9.49 EUR


Transcend to an ethereal plane where your thoughts are sensually extracted from your mushy mind.


Flashing lights, swirling clouds and whirling words overwhelm your senses. The easiest thing to do is stare at my pretty face and sexy body. You’re programmed by my natural beauty to obey. You’re eager to feel my power flow through you. With each wicked smirk of my bright, red lips, your heart skips a beat and you know there is no escape.


Allow the ambient tones to pour in your ears and wash out any distractions. Feel the pulsing colors glow brightly in your skull. Sense the swelling in your pants as you look into my warm eyes. Sink deeper on my soft whispers, drifting into a state of endless bliss.


Sensual Goddess Worship Clip Includes:
Audio effects
Custom ambient effects
Practical lens effects
Hand-made, electric light wall


Audio Enhanced Preview


Also available in 1080


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