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The Inflation Laboratory
The Inflation Laboratory

Zonah Huffs and Puffs on a Series of Tibetan Horns (MP4 - 1080p)

9/12/21 3:00 PM23 min3894 MBmp41080p
Price17.99 EUR
Related CategoriesN/A


As fans and friends of Zonah are aware, she has a fascination with sounds and sound effects. She produces them nearly every waking hour of her life. So you can imagine her excitement when presented with the opportunity to freely experiment with a family of three Tibetan long horns. After admiring their craftsmanship and decoration, she chooses one, takes in all the air she can hold, purses her lips, puffs our her enormous cheeks, and lets fly with...a sound of indescribable...quality. So rather than say any more, we leave you to share her fun!

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