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VeVe Lane Petite Powerhouse
VeVe Lane Petite Powerhouse
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Superheroine Hogtie Challenge 2: Wonder VeVe

12/20/14 4:41 PM12 min325 MBmp4720p
Price10.49 EUR


This clip includes only Challenge #2 from VeVe's Superheroine Hogtie Escape Challenge trio.

In this clip, VeVe is dressed as "Wonder VeVe." She has been securely hogtied, with wrists bound, elbows bound (not touching), knees bound, and ankles bound. She is ball gagged and crotch roped.

We find our heroine bound and lying face-down, eye closed. She opens her eyes and begins her escape attempt. She has unlimited time to attempt her escape. Will she escape or will she give up in the attempt?

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VeVe struggles and wriggles and finally escapes! She stands up and removes her ball gag last, then flexes and vows to track down her captors.

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