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Badman's Bondage Babes!
Badman's Bondage Babes!
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Anabelle's Treacherous Agonizing Bound Journey!

9/20/18 1:14 PM5 min295 MBwmv1080p
Price5.99 EUR

After waking bound, gagged and naked in a strange room Anabelle has decided that instead of waiting to see why she's been taken and tied she achingly has worked herself off the bed, out the bedroom door and towards a stairway and hopefully freedom and as Part Two opens the beautiful girl is peering down those stairs apprehensively. They are very steep and if she should slip or make a bad move she could tumble down and hurt herself badly but she has to try and so begins her treacherous journey and my gawd is it perilous! Slowly...step by step....she achingly works her way down and the cameras catch every inch of her movements, it's an extremely dangerous attempt but what choice does she have? As she nears the bottom Anabelle looks apprehensively over the rail to see if her apparent captors are near and seeing no one she finally manages to get to the bottom where, miracle of miracles she spies her phone across the room and HOPS towards it. When she gets to the small table she realizes how difficult this is going to be, with her hands tied behind her back it's going to be a bitch but, in a supreme effort, she kneels down and somehow manages to get to the phone and knocks it off the table and desperately maneuvers it so she can use her fingers to get help. It's frustrating though and a slow process and just when she thinks she's got it her captor returns and damn is he pissed off! Anabelle screams past her gag when she's discovered, he takes her phone away and terrorizes the innocent girl with threats and, in a truly hot scene he lays her bound body over and spreads her ass cheeks exposing her pussy and asshole and makes truly frightening comments about what he could do to her if he wanted!


Don't miss yet another top notch video featuring Anabelle Pync!

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