Nyxon & Aria Nicole Magic Bracelet Of Unnoticeability 1080p MP4
*this was a clip from my custom contest
Nyxon walks into the living room and sees the bracelet on the table, Aria is on the couch talking on her phone. Nyxon asks Aria what this cool looking bracelet is. Aria stops talking on the phone and says "I'm not sure where that came from, I thought you put it there." Nyxon sits down and puts on the bracelet & Aria immediately goes back to her phone conversation. Nyxon asks again "Are you sure you don't know where it came from?". Aria continues with her conversation on the phone like Nyxon isnt even there. "Hello?" Nyxon says while nudging her shoulder a bit. Even though Aria moves a bit from the nudging, she totally ignores Nyxon like she isn't there still and continues her conversation. Nyxon says, "What the fuck, ok rude!" at that moment, whatever Aria was talking about before on the phone, now she is bad mouthing Nyxon to whoever is on the other end, calling her names and saying mean things about Nyxon while still acting like Nxyon isn't there. Nyxon, now pissed off and shocked by her saying those things about her says "Now you just stop right there". Aria suddenly freezes in place while talking on the phone. Her mouth is open. She is not blinking or moving in anyway, she is totally stopped. Nyxon shocked by what is happening, pokes and moves Aria a bit until she realizes that the bracelet is magic and she is invisible and able to give Aria orders. After a bit, Nyxon says "Start talking" and Aria continues her conversation without realizing or remembering she was frozen. Nyxon laughs and realizes she can prank Aria as she waves her hand in front of her face and Aria doesn't react at all. Nyxon says "Stop" again and Aria freezes. Nyxon then says "Go" and Aria unfreezes without a hitch. Nyxon laughs and says stop, go, stop, go. Freezing and unfreezing Aria in short intervals just for a laugh. While Aria is still bad mouthing Nyxon, Nyxon takes the phone out of Aria's hand and replaces it with a shoe. Aria continues talking into the shoe just like its a phone, not noticing what has happened.
Nyxon then tells Aria to stand up, and Aria does so while still talking into the shoe. Then Nyxon tells her to take off her clothes. Aria continues to talk into the shoe & starts to take off her clothes and strips down. After Aria strips, Nyxon freezes her again and starts to pose her frozen body. Nyxon turns her around and bends her over. Nyxon laughs and starts to talk about how much fun this is going to be, but Nyxon doesn't notice that the bracelet falls off of her hand. Aria unfreezes and turns and looks at Nyxon and says, "Oh hey, when did you get here?". Aria has no memory of what she did or even notices she has stripped.
Nyxon a little shocked and doing her best to act innocent says, "Oh hi there, um hows it going?" with a nervous laugh as she looks around for the bracelet. Aria reaches down and grabs the bracelet off the floor and says "Oh here is that bracelet you were talking about!". Nyxon reaches for the bracelet asking Aria not to put it on, but Aria slides it onto her wrist. Nyxon's frantic worried reaction suddenly changes and cuts her off mid sentence. Now her attitude is much more passive because now to her she is alone and Aria is not in the room at all.Nyxon looks at the clothes on the floor and says, "She left such a mess here!" and begins to talk out loud about how annoying and messy is. She walks into Aria and almost knocks her over, but Nyxon doesn't even notice she did it, while Aria saying," um hello I'm right here. what is wrong with you?". Nyxon finally says out loud, "I'm going to find another roommate". Aria starts to laugh and looks at the bracelet saying "Oh its like Simon Says!". Aria then says "Ok you can stop" and Nyxon freezes in place as Aria laughs. As she messes with Nyxons frozen body a bit, she stands back a says "Ok you can move now" and Nyxon comes back to life not realizing anything she has done.
And then Aria gives Nyxon the "stop, go, stop, go" treatment for a minute just to laugh at Nyxon freezing and unfreezing.
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