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The polish stiletto cutie

11/3/19 11:16 AM17 min574 MBmpg480p
Price17.99 EUR


From time to time I meet my friend Aleskia. Since my husband is still working for days because of his work outside, I drive either to Poland to her or as happened the other day, she comes to me. I have known her for an eternity. Now and then I tell her about the shared passion that connects me and my husband. I was all the more astonished when she asked me a long time ago if she would not do something like that to me. Sure, Aleskia is a fitness trainer, has a great athletic figure, loves stiletto high-heeled, but has never been so car-driven. Up to now she has always left this to her friend Previc, who also likes to drive her around at her request, despite her own driving license. Her partner is also a skilled fitter and travels a lot in Siberia on the gas fields. Sure, that we treat ourselves to a women's holiday. =) Now we started some pedal pumping acts some time ago. With success. And Aleskia enjoys it, as long as she can take the time off from her sometimes stressful job. We have already set some of these clips. And why should not a few more follow. So she brought her new fiery red hot pointed high-heeled glossy leather pumps from our last common shopping tour right away, and borrowed the old antique car of my husband, whom he now and then borrows from his old aunt, for another night's drive. =)) Fire red pencil heel skinny high heeled sharp sparkling patent leather pumps, animated and fiercely pumping the horizontally standing pedals in the nighttime darkness, ... that has something! = P

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