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Fancy buckle on shiny stiletto toe (short behind-beside preview)

6/9/20 1:48 PM10 min401 MBmpg720p
Price10.49 EUR


When bobbing, high-heeled, sexy, delicate, noisy nylon legs of an elegant, elegant businesswoman with a short, tight skirt rock the pedals violently, this can be the beginning of a lifelong, fetishistic career for some. Regardless of age and appearance. Yes, ... maybe even by gender !?? .... It is understandable that some people wonder about each other and their "strange" cognitive passions, while the other person is more absorbed in this bizarre passion. What the one has in fetishistic connection skills, the other does not necessarily have to have that. That is exactly the actual interface between fetishism and the previous, general social, head-shaking incomprehension. You can hardly learn a fetishist. You have to be born, yes, more predisposed to understand and interpret the world of these people with their special passions. Even today it takes a bit of courage, a lot of empathy and a certain sensitivity if, as an outside interest, you try to get to know a fetishist properly, let alone understand the connections. A world that most of you understand here very well, but out there in the real world still very often misinterpreted, clichéd and always inadequately explained by some cheap magazine articles and "TV experts", as well is misrepresented too often. As long as shame and social taboo over the subject area of sex varieties and fetishism, so long that, of course except for the many interested and passionate people here, who are actually the real experts in their diverse fields, is always in a strange, shamelessly secretive, how discrete special corners are pushed.

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