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Classic pedal pumping 1

12/22/21 3:02 PM12 min289 MBmpg720p
Price13.49 EUR


When we make nightly car driving films, we always try to stay as close as possible to the original from the eye of the beholder. That means, we always include the natural darkness in the way that you perceive it optically when driving at night. Of course, it's not that easy. And in the beginning we had all sorts of problems, always only allowing as much light as necessary so as not to let the real-time darkness fall into the unrealistic brightness. Mick and I had trained this over the years before we started here with Aleskia to produce pedal pumping clips in real time, as far as the nightly optical atmosphere is concerned. It takes a lot of experience to allow not too little but also not too much light in order not to completely destroy the darkened real-time. Too much light would make the nighttime mood completely unrealistic. However, our films get better quality over time, as well as they get sharper in the dark, because the lighting technology and the video quality are also improving steadily from year to year. This video was shot with an older camera to match the car. In our future day and night clips, they will often be even more successful in terms of quality. These insights were filmed in this clip part from the back seat.

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