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Andrea Rosu's Kinky Explorations
Andrea Rosu's Kinky Explorations
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Predator Prey MP4

1/12/17 4:15 PM12 min469 MBmp4720p
Price13.99 EUR

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Andrea the lion has just finished straddling Annabelle and about to bite her throat to finish her off. She notices you, and stares annoyed. "Didn't you get enough footage, the last time? Fine, I will go through the process".

With that she shakes Annabelle the gazelle and tells her it is her lucky day because she gets to live a few more minutes.


As a large and flexible creature, she can eat anything she wants, but gazelles are a strong part of her diet. Andrea flexes her large arm and leg muscles to prove a point. One swift bite and they are goners. Their tender necks are practically begging to be consumed and with that, Andrea releases Annabelle so they can demonstrate the hunt for you.


Before starting, Andrea stretches and crawls in the direction of the gazelle, sniffing the air for the scent. Staying low to the ground, she cautiously stalks her prey before ambushing her.  Andrea trips, but manages to grab the ankle of the almost lucky gazelle. Smiling, she climbs on top of her prize and Annabelle screams in terror. Andrea does not want attention, and covers her mouth while leaning in for a taste.


Annabelle struggles and kicks but is easily pinned. Andrea searches for other predators before dragging her back to the den for the final feast. She addresses the camera and hopes that the carnage was sensational enough for the viewing audience, and asks to eat her meal in peace. Unfortunately for her, the gazelle was not completely out and tries to escape.


This game is getting tiresome for Andrea, so she pins her down one last time, and really digs into her flesh. Annabelle twitches before going to the prairie in the sky.



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