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Andrea Rosu's Kinky Explorations
Andrea Rosu's Kinky Explorations
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I'm Coming For You WMV

1/19/19 5:00 AM14 min1630 MBwmv1080p
Price14.99 EUR


My step-sister has been taken hostage, and I know exactly the big man behind the operation.  This is my very clear message to you: Not only will I rescue my step-sister, but I will make sure you pay for the pain you caused her and my whole family.  No one messes me with me and my loved ones without some serious repercussions.  You don't want to go up against me.  Look at me: my hard body, big biceps, strong thick thighs.  Can you imagine the pain I can inflict with my body alone?  I don't need a weapon when my biceps will suffice; when my thighs can crack ribs and break necks.  Just in case you need a precursor to what's going to happen to your pathetic body, watch as I crush and split open this watermelon.  I'm envisioning your head doing the same when I get my thighs around you.  You'll regret your life decisions when I'm done with you...whatever is left of your life....if I decide to keep you alive.

More Fantasies To Enjoy!

     Your Muscled Date WMV                                             Your Stronger Younger Step-Sister WMV                                Martial Arts Contractor WMV



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