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Andrea Rosu's Kinky Explorations
Andrea Rosu's Kinky Explorations
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Dark Queen Controls Wonder Woman - Andrea Rosu & Luna Lain wmv

11/19/20 5:00 AM16 min1605 MBwmv1080p
Price16.99 EUR


Now that the Dark Queen (Luna Lain) has Wonder Woman (Andrea Rosu) where she wants her: a compliant, mesmerized play toy, she wants to be entertained.  Luna is rather bored, and Wonder Woman will be the perfect distraction from the monotony of her day.  She snaps her finger, and Wonder Woman methodically walks into the room.  "Yes Mistress."

The Dark Queen: "I want you to entertain me: dance for me, slowly and seductively."

Wonder Woman: "Yes, Mistress." As she moved her hips, shakes her ass.

The Dark Queen starts to dance with Wonder Woman, running her hands all over her strong and curvy body.  She exposes Wonder Woman large sexy butt and soft tits.  During various moments, Wonder Woman almost snaps out of her trance...totally confused by what's transpiring.  She's Wonder Woman; she has to get out of this.  She's stronger than this.

Except...she isn't, and she keeps falling back into Dark Queen's hold.


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