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Italian Fetish game
Italian Fetish game
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Too simple to bring down the weakest ( 1 PART )

4/14/23 1:30 PM14 min520 MBmp41080p
Price13.49 EUR
KeywordsWeak Woman


Caterina is  weights lifting and flexing her arms. Eleonore comes in and laughs at how skinny she is. Eleonore starts lifting heavier weights and seems  to be very easily for her. Caterina tries to lift these heavier weights and is barely able to do so. They compare their biceps and laughs at her again and Caterina gets mad and pushes her. Eleonore laughs at how Caterina was barely able to move her and so she easily pushes Caterina to the ground. Eleonore then sits on top of Caterina and challenge her to push her away, but Caterina struggles to get Eleonore off of her back as Eleonore continues to laugh. Caterina stands up and tries to leave the room but Eleonore grabs her around her waist and arms and lifts her off the ground, then she even holds her in a bearhug with one arm showing how strong she is. Eleonore then continues to hold her off the ground by putting both hands under Caterina's butt. Caterina can’t compare with her. Eleonore eventually puts her down and says "If you can lift me in a bearhug, I will let you leave." Caterina tries to lift Eleonore off the ground but is unable to do so as Eleonore continues to laugh at her.  Eleonore pushes Caterina to the wall and grabs Caterina under the armpits and lifts her up against the wall. Eleonore is able to lift her up against the wall so Caterina's feet are off the ground. Caterina can’t stand this situation, but she is not able to react and Eleonore lifts her in a bearhug  again and she says "You are my little toy now." Eleonore squeezes her around her arms as Caterina's feet are off the ground. Caterina tries to struggle to get out but Eleonore is too strong for her. Eleonore finally picks her up in a cradle carry and walks around the room with her. 



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