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Flawless Flow! [WMV]

11/2/24 3:35 PM16 min604 MBwmv1080p
Price23.99 EUR


Ashlynn Taylor is one Facesitting Goddess we'd love to spend the rest of our days serving under, for she proves to us exactly how glorious it would be to truly be taken as her personal seat, bound and loyal to her profound Smooth Grinding and Sensual Face Riding. Phenomenal thoroughout this incredible experience, Ashlynn Taylor finds Her Flow State grinding deeply upon her seat's face, seamlessly sliding from Footlock Facesitting, Sexy Face Bouncing, and Ass Smothering so tight that sexy suction sounds resonate throughout Her Smother Den once she gets up to let her owned throne have a quick, brief breath!

Then it's right back to where they belong, locked in deep as Sitter and seat while the bass from the background tracks provide just the right ambience for Ashlynn to keep Face Riding to! Gorgeous Reverse Headscissors, Hot Sitter Selfies, and Sensual Prolonged Smothering Facesits abound in this flawless exhibition in Perfect Facesitting that will serve beautifully as one sexy standard to which to teach Facesitting Classes on! Her beautiful voice and her love for Facesitting is as clear and it is natural, making this an experience we look forward to doing much more of in the future... and you will too!

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