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Rhythm Rider! [4K MP4]

12/13/24 4:20 PM15 min549 MBmp44k
Price24.99 EUR
CategoryFace Sitting


Mia Knox ROCKS as "The Rhythm Rider" as this video marks her first official, clear discovery of The Facesitting Style of her very own!

Once Mia's headphones come on, it's a wrap... just a wrap, for it's instantly time for Mia to hit play, hit record, and then hit her lifelong seat's face with the most powerfully bonded Facesitting possible! Mia's headphones are hence a clear signal to her seat that... It Is Time. Time for Mia to step into The Rhythm, Riding as she embodies her core Facesitter Persona. One who cares strictly about entering into her own zone, locking her loyal seat where he truly belongs as she takes flight, free and open to love every precious moment in her own, internalized way, secure in the ever growing foundation of their Sitter/seat union!

Mia Knox consumes her personally owned, lifelong seat's face with her PERFECT body as her amazing ass grinds, smothers, and absorbs her seat DEEP into her barely-there micro gstring! As Mia's ass muscles flex and grip her face seat ever further into her relentless Ass Smothering, Mia Knox syncs her headphones to her TV, blasting powerful beats to double up on ignoring any sound her seat may make!

Having an incredible time of it, Mia Knox makes it a point to immerse herself fully into both her music and mobile, texting, emailing, and taking Sitter Selfies as her seat has zero choice but to face the endless, gorgeous depths of his Facesitter's Ass! Then Mia grips her glutes around his smothered face again, trapping his face exactly where Mia wants it! Then comes The Footlock Facesitting, as Mia grabs her seat's hair to wrap her young, shapely feet under his head to descend an impossibly deep Reverse Facesit Lock... right before Mia's Face Grinding series, each powerful slide rubs her gstring steadily from forehead to chin, then back again, driving her Facesitter aroma with every hard grind.... again and again... and again!

Mia knows her seat is helpless to resist and thus neglects his existence, smiling to take her Sitter Selfies as the deep bass resounds to inspire every Rhythmic Ride as Mia Knox pulls her seat into Smother Heaven as Mia Knox enters her own Facesitter Zone, elevating herself at his ridden face's expense!

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