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REA And ARIEL - Back From The Gym - Sneakers Worship And Domination REMASTERED

2/7/23 4:45 PM13 min1138 MBmp41080p
Price10.49 EUR
KeywordsShoe Fetish


We train together with Ariel these days and we are just back from the gym, it was a hard training day. We relax on the couch and our stupid slave comes and asks us if we want a drink. He brings us an energy drink and we command him to take a look at the bottoms of our sport shoes, they are dirty. He knows what is coming for him and he predicted right, as we command him to worship our shoes. He starts to lick the dirt, while we laugh at him and humiliate him!

While licking our shoes, my stupid slave asks if he can come to the gym with us, because he wants to be fit for us, maybe we can take him with us. We laugh so much with Ariel and we wipe the bottoms of our shoes on his tongue and kick his face. We humiliate him verbally and make fun of him, while he licks our shoes and we hurt his face some more under them, to make him forget about his stupid ideas!

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