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Torvea Customs
Torvea Customs
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Revving Both Engines MP4

11/25/15 10:55 AM13 min494 MBmp4720p
Price11.49 EUR


It has been such a great night and I cannot wait to go back to your place. The rain caught up on us and it will be nice to get warmed up. I better take off these wet clothes because it is freezing!

Oh, why won't this car start? I press my feet on the pedals and try to get the engine to turn, but it does not seem to work. Of all the times to be stuck in the rain without a car that works? Maybe if I press in harder or longer and really use my calf muscles. My feet are pushing down as hard as possible on the pedals and I can really feel it trying to start.

Gosh, this is such a strange situation to be in. I kind of like being here with you and nude. There is nothing we can do but get more comfortable. Maybe we will be here all night. Just the two of us without any distractions.

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