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Miss Svenson's Spanking Clips
Miss Svenson's Spanking Clips
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Know Your Shakespeare 1

4/24/20 5:13 AM10 min769 MBmp4720p
Price8.49 EUR
CategorySpanking F/f


Diana is SUCH a poor student that she cannot even take her detention seriously! Miss Mathews has absolutely had it with this lazy little slouch, and takes her over the knee, giving her cheeky little bottom a hard hand spanking on the bare. Diana can barely handle the stinging slaps from her teacher, kicking through her knickers and moaning in pain, until her naughty bottom is hot and red !

Part 1 of 4 - All parts

Includes:  OTK Spanking, Scolding, Strict Teacher

With:  Diana & Miss Mathews

More from Miss Svenson's Spanking Clips:
Know Your Shakespeare 2, Girls Just Want to Have Fun 2 & Diana part 1

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