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Miss Svenson's Spanking Clips
Miss Svenson's Spanking Clips
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Dealing With The Dealers 1 (SD WMV)

11/2/23 9:20 AM18 min643 MBwmv720p
Price12.49 EUR


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Today, two of my former students were caught dealing right in front of school. While I am disappointed in each of them, more importantly I am appalled by their attempt to corrupt my current pupils! I could call the police, but they are better served by a reminder of their time attending my class.

Since she's the ringleader, Vanessa will be first to repeat the course on idle hands being the devil's playground. Palms up, she holds her hands out for a long lesson from my tawse, crying out in pain after each hard stroke. Pursing her lips, she blows cool air on her stinging skin, with a new understanding of what it means to be caught red-handed.

Next, the knickers come off, and Vanessa's long legs go straight up to the ceiling. My cane hitting the back of her thighs causes her convulsions of pain, and she is barely able to hold position. She knows I've never had a lot of patience for that.

Discipline is what she needs, and discipline is what she'll get.

Part 1 of 5 - All Parts

Includes:  Hand Tawsing, Caning, Bellington Academy

With:  Vanessa/Tindra Frost & Miss Svenson

More from Miss Svenson's Spanking Clips:
Dealing With The Dealers 2, Straight to the Point 7, & Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 11

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