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Miss Svenson's Spanking Clips
Miss Svenson's Spanking Clips
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Maureen 5 wmv

7/7/24 10:20 PM5 min93 MBwmv720p
Price5.99 EUR


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The teachers confront Maureen and her cheeky attitude, and promise a final hard punishment. Pulling down the young schoolgirl's knickers, Miss Mathews bends her over for a sharp caning on her sore, pink bottom. Miss Sullivan follows with a round of swats with the carpet beater, leaving poor little Maureen crying and shaking in pain.

Part 5 of 5 - All Parts

Includes:  Caning, Carpet Beater, Handspanking

With:  Maureen, Miss Sullivan & Miss Mathews

More from Miss Svenson's Spanking Clips:
Maureen 1, Maureen Again 6
More trouble at Bellington part 9 & Oui Madame 8

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