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Bondage Perils Video
Bondage Perils Video
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Victoria C: Naked Hogtie

11/20/21 10:58 AM21 min507 MBm4v1080p
Price18.99 EUR


A sexy bondage epic featuring busty beauty Victoria C hogtied and naked for over 20 minutes!

As sexy ladies go, Victoria C is one of the sexiest ladies out there.  And when she goes on tour to entertain in various establishments, she ends up getting her audiences all excited.  But one thing she normally does not do is entertain individual requests. She has had many a successful trip, but this time, something has gone wrong and she turned down the wrong audience member for an individual performance. 

Now Victoria is stashed away in her hotel room, naked, hogtied, gagged and left to struggle.  The gorgeous lady is completely without any makeup, without any clothing.  She only wears the ropes that bind her and the gag that silences her pleas for help.  Her captor can hear, but no one else. What else awaits the blonde, buxom beauty?

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