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My Diaper Girlfriend
My Diaper Girlfriend
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Wet Diaper Nights

5/15/15 8:33 AM10 min586 MBmp41080p
Price9.49 EUR
Related CategoriesAdult Diaper
KeywordsWinnie Rider


Diaper lover Winnie gets home from a long day at work and is completely exhausted wanting to get straight into a thick diaper for bedtime. It's a good thing she is immediately diapered as she is way too tired to make it to the bathroom and completely wets herself. Winnie loves every minute of the warm, wet diaper against her bare pussy and doesn't ever want to take it off. Instead of changing into a fresh one she decides to put on plastic pants and a onesie in hopes her wet diaper will be even more soaked when she wakes up.

HD MP4 1920x1080 HD

Also available in iPhone/Mobile HD Format

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