New Bound2Burst Secretary Remastered (MP4 1080p) - Autumn Bodell
Autumn has been interviewed for the job of handling Bound2Burst's calls and correspondence, and so far her performance looks very promises. There is still one hurdle to jump, however - she must man the telephones while coping with a full bladder, without leaving her post. She is told to stay put hold it until the boss returns. Desperate to get the job, as well as desperate to pee, Autumn sits and squirms in her chair as she takes calls are tries not to wet herself. Her mounting anxiety is clear in her expression and body language as the time passes and the boss does not return. Approaching bursting point, Autumn does everything she can think of to hold it, without behaving in an unladylike manner (she has been told there are watching her), but she is close to exploding and can hardly concentrate on the phone calls that just keep coming. When Autumn loses control, she spurts between her legs several times before the real flood begins, and when it does start, it goes on for more than a minute. Her bladder had to be so close to bursting before the pressure to empty it overwhelmed it. Even though Autumn could not wait until the boss came back, she made such a valiant attempt that she got the job anyway.
18 minutes 17 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 914.9 MB
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