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Alena Love
Alena Love
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Observing Allice VFX Gassy Unaware Giant Vore[SD]

9/28/24 8:28 PM10 min175 MBmp4720p
Price8.49 EUR


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Observing Allice Vore - Unaware Gassy Giant[HD]

A deluxe video be with good slow mo screen shakes and booming footsteps
Slow mo mouth shots (maybe a couple of these: one super slow approaching her mouth slowly opening and another that’s like the good well lit one maybe endo)
Slow mo belly jiggles

Basically this one would be an unaware giantess.

Alice is standing around the kitchen fixing herself something to eat. Thong would be nice. And crop top as well with all of her stomach hanging out and if she has any pubes those showing just a bit would be very very nice.


As she’s making something to eat she’d let loose a fart here or there. She’d maybe drop something very near to where I’m hiding out and get on all fours to grab it. Slow motion would be great. She’s looking for it and as she’s on all fours her stomach is hanging and jiggling around. In her pursuit of whatever she’s looking for whether it’s a spoon or whatever her ass fills the frame of the camera and she lets one rip and moans satisfyingly. She then rubs her stomach and ass and chuckles a bit to herself. She finds what she needed and then continues preparing herself a big plate of food. She takes big booming steps towards the couch and sits down to start eating. I make my way up to the couch and she’s sprawled out legs spread out and rubbing her stomach while starting to pig out. If she’s a little bit messy that would be great too. The camera close to her plate and seeing her huge hand grabbing snacks while she chugs soda and belches loud belches. While she gets up to grab food here and there maybe we can get a closer view of her stomach any stretch marks and little hairs on her stomach too. Maybe she reaches over the food to grab her phone or something. All of it in slow motion and echo-y. She jiggles her stomach here and there and is loving on her own gluttony. She lets out a few farts and is just completely relaxed and relishing this private stuffing session with herself. 

She finally grabs me. She’s completely unaware and is watching tv while she grabs me but this whole scene is done very slowly like 15-20 seconds of this extended drawn out scene of her slowly bringing me in closer and closer to her mouth and belches a huge burp into the camera when it’s kinda close very very slow motion. While she’s bringing it close to her mouth she’s breathing out of her mouth and slightly moaning or groaning. Her mouth still has chewed up bits of food and whatnot. The internal view is fine but a little tongue play or like throat movement would be nice and the swallow. Showing her swallow from the outside too would be nice. Loud slow motion throat noises of her swallow and the camera slowly panning down her chest and down to her stomach. Then another shot of her still eating while the camera has her stomach filling up much of the frame making her look enormous. She rubs it and jiggles it here and there completely unaware I’m with all that food in there.

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