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Messiest Bound Feeding Turns Me Into a PIG!

9/29/24 7:00 PM18 min616 MBmp41080p
Price18.99 EUR


My roommate Haylee (feedxmexdaddy) is about to get her sweet REVENGE on me for eating all her delicious leftovers and snacks while she was out. While I was napping from binging on all her food, she tied me up and I wake to find she’s arranged all of the delicious food I got for my game night with friends tonight in front of us and I can’t get away as she feeds it all to me bite by bite, making a HUGE MESS all over me and the kitchen. I beg and plead with her to stop, but sorry isn’t enough.. she needs to see me utterly humiliated for my gluttony! Before moving onto the last part of the feast (chocolate cake with ice cream) she puts some pig ears on me since I’m burping like one and gulping down the mess of food. OINK! She crams handfuls of saucy spaghetti, egg rolls with sauce poured straight down my throat, melted ice cream and handfuls of chocolate cake until my belly is sticking out even more and I’m painfully stuffed. Looks like there’s no choice but for my friends to all see what a massive pig I am, maybe that’ll teach me not to eat her food! 

ends with a bonus behind the scenes video of me in the shower washing all the mess off me! 

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